dimanche 17 février 2008

James Baldwin

James Arthur Baldwin is an American writer, novelist, essayist and civil rights activist born on August 2, 1924. His novels explore questions of identity and how they mine complex social and psychological related to being Black and homosexual. He is the first Black writer to openly speak about his own homosexuality when neverthless he stressed that it was not "anybody's business".

James Arthur Baldwin est un écrivain, romancier et essayiste Américain ainsi qu'un activiste en faveur des droits civiles né le 02 Août 1924. Ses romans explorent les questions de l'identité et comment elles minent un réseau complex social et psychologique ayant trait au fait d'être Noir et Homosexuel. Il est le premier écrivain Noir à parler ouvertement de son homosexualité, quand bien même il insiste sur le fait que "ce ne concerne pas monsieur-tout-le monde".

He published a collection of essays titled Notes Of The Native Son in reference to Richard Wright's - that he admired- novel Native Son.

Il a publié une collection d'essaies intitulée Notes Of The Native Son en reférence au livre de Richard Wright qui l'admirait Native Son.

Recent collection of critical essays nowadays link the author Toni Morrison and James Baldwin. Accurately, Toni Morrison edited the Library of America editions of Baldwin's fiction and essays.

De nos jours, de recentes collections d'essaies critiques posent un lien entre James Baldwin et Toni Morrison. En vérité, Toni Morrison a édité sur la fiction et les essaies de James Baldwin.

James Baldwin died on November 30, 1987.
James Baldwin est mort le 30 Novembre 1987.

Pourquoi investir l'étude des Noirs Queer - Why investigate in Black Queer Studies ?

My investigation on Black Queer Studies comes from a wish to debate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered , queer and race contemporary mindsets as regards historical theories in France. I aim at challenging everyone surfing on my pages, in complicating his or her understandings of seemingly natural ideas about sex/gender,homosexual/heterosexual, but also man/woman and Black/White in European context. That's why my effort to engage in an inter and transdisciplinary approach of history, sociology, psychology, the arts and lanagage through critical theories aims at giving a solid background about black sexual politics in order to destroy settled dichotomies. Note that Patricia Hill Collins says that "Black Sexual Politics is : "a set of ideas and social practices shaped by gender, race, and sexuality that frame Black men and women's treatment of one another as well as how African Americans are perceived and treated by others". But to hone one skills on debating about racism and lean on our daily experience of race, a noneurocentric and heteronormative understanding of Blacks is necessary.
How is it that even nowadays it's difficult for a Black to come out saying to everybody : hey, you know i'm gay ! Hey, you know i'm lesbian ! Hey, you know i'm queer ! Without fear of being stared at like a fool or a mad ? When it's almost easier for the White gays, lesbians, or queers to come out in a White country ? Being a Black Queer is a challenge of everyday standing the weird gaze that the others put on you. When there is no possibility but being courageous to furfill one's choice to fight back and keep on living your live beyond the deshumanising gazes on you, as the hierarchising racialized relationships where some Whites can stand but hate you for being "out of the norm", being not "genuinely Black" or another supposed " heterosexual Black dog ".